MAAT (Museum of Art, Architecture, and Technology) presents an exciting solo exhibition titled “Plug-In” by the renowned Portuguese artist, Joana...
10 results for
joana vasconcelos
Contemporary conceptual artist (and beloved Portuguese native) Joana Vasconcelos lends her creative and innovative mind to furniture design. The BomBom...
What do you appreciate most about art? Is it creativity? …innovation? …whimsy? …color? …the message it conveys? Well, if you...
Lisbon has a million things going for it, not least of which is the outstanding weather and quality of outdoor...
Obrigado a Terra (Thank you to the Earth) is the new art exhibition at the Palácio Duques de Cadaval in...
For a unique art experience in Lisbon, visit the Galeria Tapeçarias de Portalegre. This “showroom,” of sorts, in a refurbished...
ADD FUEL (aka Diogo Machado) is a world-famous urban artist. Viúva Lamego is a historic ceramic factory. Together, they’ve developed...
Who would have guessed? Just an hour north of Lisbon, in the countryside, is a beautiful managed garden intended as...