Travel inland to visit Europe’s unique fishing village, Carrasqueira, which lies on the left bank of the Sado River. Here you will find a multitude of wooden jetties on stilts (known as cais palafita) zigzagging along the muddy marshes. Fishing huts, some naturally weathered, others individually painted, stand atop the wharf.
At low tide, the Sado estuary made it impossible for fishermen to board their boats as the water does not reach the shore. So, the local community, over two centuries ago, constructed this traditional anchorage system which is still the norm for locals to navigate and access their boats. Dawn and sunset are opportune times for photographing this unique palafitte historical harbor, so check tide times as well.

There are two locations near Comporta. The first is the most picturesque. It is known as Cais Palafítico da Carrasqueira (pictured at top).
Another scenic view is more conveniently located across from the Museu do Arroz on N253. It is known as Porto de Pesca Palafita da Carrasqueira. This area, however, is much smaller in scale than those mentioned above.