Experience a unique Easter (“Pascoa” in Portuguese) event in a traditional Algarve village. The Festa das Tochas Floridas (Festival of Flower Torches) take place on Easter Sunday to celebrate the Christian belief of the resurrection. This vibrant celebration is an annual event in the community of São Bras de Alportel.
Get to São Bras early and walk through the city center to see the streets adorned with a carpet of fresh flowers. At 11:00, the Resurrection Procession begins. Men carry beautifully crafted tall “torches” of flowers along a route that ends at the Igreja Matriz. Throughout the procession, the men sing a chorus of “Ressuscitou como disse! Aleluia! Aleluia! Aleluia!”, which means “Risen, as he said. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!”

The day’s events typically follow this format:
■ 09:30 – Opening of streets in appreciation of the carpet of flowers
■ 09:30 – Opening of the Meeting Flavors in Largo St. Sebastian
■ 09:30 – Opening of the Crafts Exhibition outside the Igreja Matriz
■ 10:00 – Mass of Resurrection at Igreja Matriz
■ 11:00 – Resurrection Procession with the Flowered Torches
■ 13:00 – Eucharist at Igreja Matriz
■ 15:30 – Cultural Afternoon at Igreja Matriz

Crafts show, and booths selling regional sweets and snacks take place throughout the afternoon. An awards presentation honoring the most creative torches and balconies will be a highlight. Various activities and entertainment are also part of this day of celebration.
Festa das Tochas Floridas
Largo da Igreja
São Bras de Alportel
Entrance: Free