Moving around Lisbon, one can’t help but notice the massive 18th century aqueduct that runs for 19 kilometers throughout the city. Yet, what many people do not know, the aqueduct feeds into a beautifully designed reservoir known as the Mãe d’Água (Mother of Water).
Located in the heart of the city, in front of the Amoreira Gardens, is the entrance to this “temple of water.” Completed in 1834, the facility was the key water reservoir for Lisbon. Modern technology has rendered the reservoir obsolete, yet the beauty of Mãe d’Àgua is now open to the public.

During the day, visitors can meander the cavernous structure covered in marble and supported by massive columns. Its mesmerizing transparent water is 7.5 meters deep and is 5500 cubic meters in volume. Mãe d’Àgua is fed through a waterfall fountain on the far wall, which is actually the ending point of the exterior aqueduct. Stairs allow visitors to climb to the top of the fountain for an extraordinary view of the facility. A further climb leads to a panoramic terrace on the roof for equally extraordinary views of Lisbon
Mãe d’Àgua has become a popular location for special events such as weddings, fashion shows, classical concerts and art exhibitions.
Mãe d’Àgua and the aqueduct are just two elements of Lisbon’s award-winning Museum of Water that also includes Steam Pumping Stations, and a second reservoir known as the Patriarchal. This complex of monuments and buildings, built between the18th and 19th centuries, is inextricably linked to the history of water supply to the city of Lisbon.
For more information, visit the Museum of Water Website
Mãe D’Água Amoreiras Reservoir
Praça das Amoreiras, 10
Estrela District
Phone: +351 213 251 644
Entrance € 2.50
Museum Hours: Tuesday to Sunday – 10:00 to 17:30
Closed Mondays & Holidays