MAAT (Museum of Art, Architecture, and Technology) presents an exciting solo exhibition titled “Plug-In” by the renowned Portuguese artist, Joana...
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The new MAC/CCB Museum of Contemporary Art/Cultural Center of Belém, in Lisbon, (formerly known as the Berardo Collection Museum) officially...
The Museum of Art, Architecture, and Technology (MAAT) in Lisbon, presents a thought-provoking exhibition titled Plastic: Remaking Our World. The...
Even though several areas of Portugal produce outstanding oysters (some of which are actually exported and sold as “French oysters”),...
Some 30 years ago, Japanese sushi chef Tomoaki Kanazawa was invited to be the chef of the Japanese embassy in...
As befits a country with some of the best fresh fish in the world, Portugal also has an excellent sushi...
Encanto has the same root word as “enchant” in Portuguese, and that’s exactly what two Michelin star chef José Avillez...
Yes, the fish and seafood are outstanding, and no, the bifanas and pregos aren’t going anywhere. But in the past...