Lisbon’s historic dining and bar scene has gained a vibrant revival with the reopening of Snob, now under the stewardship...
Nuno Mendes, the Lisbon-born chef and made his name (and Michelin star) in London, says his newest venture, Santa Joana,...
In the heart of Lisbon’s trendy Chiado district, Vibe by Chef Mattia Stanchieri is a must-visit for culinary adventurers. This...
When chef José Neves and host Claudia Silva returned to Lisbon after six years in France, they brought back ideas...
Sure, you can get a decent sandwich at any Padaria Portuguesa, but until 2024, Lisbon lacked a destination sandwich joint....
Lisbon restaurateur Miguel Garcia likes to say there’s a big difference between chefs who cook for their guests and chefs...
To be sure, there are more (and ever more) sophisticated omakase restaurants around Lisbon. But this chef’s-choice sushi restaurant between...
Given the pedigree of the players involved, it’s no surprise that Bar Alimentar quickly became one of the trendiest tables...