The Algarve is not only an attractive destination for golfers, horse riders, sun worshippers and yachtsmen, but also for…birdwatchers! In the Algarve, one of the best locations to spot a large variety of our feathered friends is the Vilamoura Environmental Park.
Inside the protected nature reserve, tucked between the Victoria golf course, Vilamoura Equesterian Centre and the Rocha Baixinha beach, is a 170 hectare environmental park with pathways, dense vegetation, pristine lakes and agriculture fields creating an ideal habitat for native and migrating birds. Inside the park are two purpose-built hides, that serve as observation areas for bird enthusiasts, nature photographers and nature lovers.

Although there are some great places across the Algarve for birdwatching, João Ministro, CEO of Proactivetur, says “Vilamoura is one of the most important, for sure.” Ministro’s company leads birdwatching tours into the park. “The expansive reed area and the rural surroundings are very important. These places attract migratory birds, namely passerines, many of them using the reeds to rest, feed and even breed.
During Autumn migration, thousands of small birds gather in the reeds on passage to Africa, and the concentration in this place is quite special. In the breeding season Vilamoura has an important population of Reed Warblers, namely Great Reed Warbler, also Marsh harrier, Purple Heron and Little Bittern. Breeding here is protected by international regulations.”
“There are several species that are special here,” mentions Ministro. “Ferrugineous Duck is one of them. Also, there have been some nice records of Bittern and also Ringed-necked Duck, which is also very rare in Algarve.”
Birds in the Vilamoura Environmental Park
Cormorants (phalacrocorax carbo)
• Black-winged Kite (elanus caeruleus)
• Common Buzzard (buteo buteo)
• Marsh Harrier (circus aeroginosus)
• Osprey (pandion haliaetus)
• Kestrel (tinnunculus)
• Peregrin (falco peregrinus)
• Little Grebe (tachybaptus ruficollis)
• Great Crested Grebe (podiceps cristatus)
• Black-necked Grebe (Podiceps nigricollis)
Gulls & Terns
• Common Tern (sterna hirundo)
• Gull (Laridae)
Herrons, Ibis & Storks
• Ibis (plegadis falcinellus)
• Purple Heron (ardea purpurea)
• White Stork (cironia ciconia)
Kingfisher, Bee-eater & Hoopoe
• Bee-eater (merops apister)
• Kingfisher (alcedo atthis)
• Hoopoe (upupa epops)
Mallard (anas platyrhynchos)
Owls & Nightjars
• Barn Owl (tyto alba)
• Little Owl (athene noctua)
• Red-necked Nightjar (caprimulgus ruficollis)
Partridges & Quails
• Red-legged Partridge (alectoris rufais)
• Quail (coturnix coturix)
Purple Swamphen (porphyrio porphyrio)
Turtle Dove (streptopelia turtur)
• Black-winged Stilt (himantopus himantopus)
• Golden Plovers (pluvialis apricaria)
• Lapwings (vanellus vanellus)
According to Ministro, the best time of day for birdwatching in the park is early in the morning or late in the afternoon with the best time of year being between September and May. This encompasses the Autumn migration season, Winter and Spring time.
Depending on the season, Ministro says it’s quite easy to spot Marsh Harrier, Booted Eagle, Purple Swamp-hen, several passerines and ducks.
For the expert himself, Ministro says some of his favorite species at the park are: the Short-eared Owl, in Winter, in the rural fields; Booted Eagle, almost all year; Black-winged Kite in Winter; and the Bluethroat in the reeds.

So, when planning your day of birdwatching in Vilamoura Ministro offers this advice, “Take binoculars and have a nice walk into the hides where you can spot some easy birds. Spend some time there and then, slowly, you will begin hearing and discovering many other birds in the reeds and surroundings. With some luck you can even see some otters!”
The Vilamoura Environmental Park is not just for birdwatchers. The pathways are good for those who like to walk, bike or horseback ride and are a perfect place to enjoy the sunny skies, the fresh sea air and the slower pace that makes the Algarve great.

For more information visit the Vilamoura Environmental Park website.
Vilamoura Environmental Park